So I decided to change my style a little bit cause i've realized the only things i feel like blogging about are things i think are awesome or things that just bother the heck out of me. Sad, right?
Anyway, part one of things that I hate - when people start packing up to leave before the class is over (annoyingness x 10 when its at church or a religion class). It's just rude. I can't stand when I'm in Sunday School and the teacher starts to bear his testimony and suddenly everyone starts packing up. Seriously? Where do you have to go in such a hurry? I have Elders Quorum just like you do, but theres no point in packing up early, especially when you're killing the spirit brought by the teacher's testimony.
Even in a non religion setting, it's annoying. There's this girl that sits next to me in humanities that doesn't pay attention the whole class, then a full minute before class is over starts packing up her stuff noisily, so the rest of the class follows suit, and our poor professor has to just end class without finishing what he's trying to cover because nobody's paying attention. People just need to be a little more respectful.
Man, I hate that.
agreed. super annoying!