
never thought that would happen...

So two things happened today that I am still in shock over (and no, making this blog post is not one of them. Maybe i should count three things...)

The first was a mind-blowing realization that happened in my New Testament class, of all places. Come to think of it, that was probably the most natural place for it to occur... anyways, we were talking about our reading from the night before. It was Luke 1-3, which was a-MAZING. Luke 1 is now one of my favorite chapters in the world. I spent over a half hour reading it - i didn't even finish all my reading, and it was only 3 chapters! That's how long I spent on Luke 1. Anyways ( i need to find new words to start my sentences off with, or i should just stop getting sidetracked. so anyways...) when we were in class and we were discussing the chapters, I had SO much I wanted to say and talk about, but hey, in a class of 45 people I can't exactly take up all the time, and i usually comment too much anyways (there that word is again). So then it hit me - I wish I was married. Now this might not be the mind blowing realization that you were waiting for, but you don't quite understand. I don't wish I was married because i'm lonely, or because thats what the prophets said that i should be doing, or because im dating someone and just want to take the next step. This was a totally different feeling. I want to be married so that I have somebody to read the scriptures with. Weird, right? But seriously - somebody I could talk to about Luke 1 until we had analyzed every verse in the scripture. Somebody I could read with and talk about with, set goals with, work with, stretch myself with, and progress with - somebody that I could grow old with, all the while growing stronger in the gospel. It was kind of a revelation as to the meaning of when God told Adam that it wasn't good for him to be alone and that he would make a "help meet" for him. So I have this totally weird new longing to be married, because I can see that I can't really continue my spiritual growth (well i can keep growing, but not as fast) until I take that step. Weeeeeird. But cool. But don't worry, im not about to go run out and marry somebody haha. Not even close.

Anyways (that one was for fun) the second thing is on a completely different tack from the religious/marriage standpoint. This one was something I haven't done since high school. Nope, not ditch class merely for the sake of ditching, nor was it eating Mexican Food until i cant walk - I went running. AND I timed myself. Whaaaat? Something about New Testament class and listening to Brother Smith talk about running a marathon made me feel like i could do anything, so I went out and ran. I felt sooo out of shape I couldn't breathe all that well, and my arms got all weak and I felt like I was going to pass out. And they say running is healthy..... anywho (got you there, didnt I) I was actually surprised at how well I did. I did a warm up lap and then a timed mile - 5 minutes, 58 seconds. YEEEEEAH! felt like a 10 minute mile, so that was fantastic. Followed that up with a 7:45 cool down mile, and then one last mile for time - 5:54. Oh. Yes. Get. On. My. Level. Although that might not be on the level of the more serious runners, it was a miracle for me.

What a day. What a overly long blog post. What I can't feel my legs. What?


  1. Yessss! I've been waiting so long for you to see the light of the blogging world—and I've always known you were a good writer :)

    Let's be blog friends:


  2. Chyaaa! Send this post around and I'm sure you'll be married by summer. Way to be a man and admit marriage is cool.

  3. It's seeing your brother's [perfect] relationship that makes you want to be married, obvi.

    We have decided to let you into our secret blogging world: renandron.tumblr.com . Don't judge--we are in the process of rennovating and moving to wordpress.

  4. Blogging is great. You should do it more.

    Oh. And being married is really great too!

  5. Zack. You are a winner. Glad you have a blog now.
